Clash of the titans 2010 full movie youtube
Clash of the titans 2010 full movie youtube

clash of the titans 2010 full movie youtube clash of the titans 2010 full movie youtube

I found myself not really enjoying this one, in fact I found it to be a very bad movie and I was hoping that it wasn't as bad as what everyone has said about it. The film follows practically the same path as the original, but with insane CGI that is over the top, and fairly pointless in the long run. With boring performances and a wasted cast, this remake joins all the others that have failed to really establish something good to a classic film, but in this case since the original wasn't memorable, I'm curious to know why they even went ahead with this movie. Clash of the Titans didn't necessitate a remake because the original wasn't memorable and there was limited ways to improve upon the plot, which of course the filmmakers seem to copy here, and never establish anything refreshing. Add to that tiresome performances from the cast, and you have a film that is painful to sit through that never is anything really entertaining. With this remake, they follow essentially the same idea as the original, but use way too much CGI, which cheapens the film. What makes this a poor effort is that the original didn't need a remake as it wasn't that great to begin with, it was a borderline decent affair that had its moments, but in the long run was a forgettable movie that didn't warrant multiple viewings. Remake of Clash of the Titans is a train wreck that relies far too much on CGI, as well as bland performances from the cast.

Clash of the titans 2010 full movie youtube